SoCal Data Science Program

Summer 2024 Schedule

Before the Program

  • Sign up for GitHub Sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one. Make sure to pick a username that you feel comfortable sharing on your CV. You will most likely use your GitHub username for many years in your data science career. Fill out this survey to let us know what your username is. Many of you have already done this.

  • Install R Yes, you do need to download and install R even if you have downloaded before. There is a newer version.

  • Install RStudio Yes, you do need to download and install RStudio even if you have downloaded before. There is a newer version. Download the free Desktop version.

  • Install and setup git

  • Test your installations

Week 1

Topic Materials
An Introduction to Deep Learning
Generalized Linear Models

Week 2

Week 3

Week 5

Week 6